Myspace and Piczo Glitter Graphics
Backgrounds |
Glitter Words |
Cartoons |
Online Icons |
Dolls |
Smilies |
Glitter Graphics |
Cute Graphics |
LED Scroller |
Falling Hearts |
Add Glitter is a unique service which allows you to add glitter effects to any image you have. All you need is an image which you wish to add some sparkle to.
Add Glitter makes it very quick to make absolutely any image sparkle. There is no need to use graphics software, our glitter graphics are fully compatible with any webspace which allows HTML, these include MySpace, Piczo, Orkut, Xanga, blogs, or message boards!
Disney | Lips | Hello Kitty | Hearts | Starsigns |
Cartoons | Icons | Glitter Words | Cute Pics | Word Creator |
3D Words | Scrolling Text | Cursors | Close Text |
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Want to list your site here and join the possibliy the largest collection of MySpace, Orkut and Piczo users? Go to our Post your site page and get lots of visits to your page and get added. The most recent submit gets to be top so reposting your website put it above the others!
Top 10 Entries - [add yours] [view all] [most popular] [alphabetical] [by area] [female only] [male only]
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NickName | Website | Sex | Area | Comments | Views |
FABFABGLITTER | | female | GB | BEST SITE 4 GLITTER... | 313229 |
Butalbital | | male | AF | ouzcubeehmjuufs, -a ... | 1063590 |
alprazolam | | male | AF | ovgoebeehmjuufs, -a ... | 21896 |
SothPawGrl | | female | GB | Im a Virgo that is a... | 7347 |
ahsanphotograph... | | male | IQ | ... | 6209 |
LadyDollz089 | | female | IT | ... | 7910 |
FABFABGLITTER | | none | GB | BEST SITE 4 GLITTER... | 7126 |
[unnamed] | | female | CA | ... | 5912 |
nimzy786 | | female | IN | ... | 6063 |
devil woman | | female | GB | ... | 6071 |
[View all 86025 profiles]
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Graphics Gallery
Have no image? Add glitter to our graphics gallery!
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Welcome Graphics
Guestbook Graphics
General Glitter Pics
Glitter Text
Glittery Graphics
Glitter Word Maker
Facebook Graphics
Create your own scrolling text
Want scrolling text for you site? Simply type in the text you want to scroll in the box on the LED Scroller page.
Help: How to Add Glitter - Choose your Network
Need help adding our HTML codes to your site? Please view the following pages below for a step-by-step walkthough of how to insert the HTML into your page.
Your Own Glitter Graphics Box
Want to add a glitter graphic form to your own website? Please view our Glitter Box information for instructions. Get more traffic to your Myspace, Piczo and Orkut scraps and use